-Jean Hersey
It attempt to blog more consistently I think I’m going to start sharing a monthly “photo dump” of little things we’re working on or happy moments we capture. This season of life means less and less big reveals and more about the small wins and little moments I can sneak away to have a creative moment.
January is usually the hardest month of the year for me. Comnig down off of a Christmas high, the weather is dreary and it’s so dark all the time. This year I leaned heavy into garden planning and painting. Making sure I get a daily walk in on the treadmill while blasting my favorite music is an absolute must; and reading, collecting more coffee table books and of course soaking up my girl.
I didn’t buy Vivienne snow gear this year because “it never snows anymore” so naturally we got a good one. I’m also actively trying to source more quirky things for her bedroom as she transitions away from the nursery feel.